Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
P.O. Box 376
(802) 649-1419

Home Security

Burglary Prevention Checklist for Homes

This checklist is designed to help you make a security check of your own home. The purpose of a home security inspection is to identify features in your home or daily routines of your family which might make your home an easy target for a burglar. The security protection should begin at your front door, include an inspection of all your doors and windows, locks, lights and landscaping.

Self Assessment Checklist:


Are all outside doors in the house of metal of solid wood construction?

Are all door frames strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading?

Are door hinges protected from removal from outside?

Are there windows in any door or within 40 inches of the locks?

Are strikes and strike plates adequate and properly installed?

Can the locking mechanism be reached through a mail slot, delivery port or pet entrance at doorway?

Is there a storm door or screen with an adequate lock?

Are all entrances lighted with at least a 40 watt light?

Can a front entrance be observed from the street or public areas?

Does porch or landscaping offer concealment from view from street or public areas?

If there is a sliding glass door, is the sliding panel secured from being lifted out of the track?

Is a “charley-bar” or key operated auxiliary lock used on sliding glass doors?

Entrances from Garage and Basement

Are all entrances to living quarters from garage and basement of metal or slid wood construction?

Does door from garage to living quarters have locks adequate for exterior entrance?

Does door from basement to living quarters have an adequate lock operated from living quarters?


Do all windows have adequate locks in operation?

Do windows have screens or storm windows that lock from the inside?

Do any windows open into areas that may be hazardous or offer special risk to burglary?

Do windows that open to hazardous areas have security screens or grills?

Are exterior areas to windows free from concealing structure or landscaping?

Is exterior adequately lighted at all window areas?

Are trees and shrubbery kept trimmed back from upper floor windows?

Basement Doors and Windows

Is there a door from outside to the basement?

If so, is that door adequately secured for an exterior door?

Is outside basement entrance lighted by exterior light of at least 40 watts?

Is outside basement concealed from street or neighbors?

Are all basement windows adequately secured against entry?

Garage Doors and Windows

Is automobile entrance door to garage equipped with adequate locking device?

Is garage door kept closed and locked at all times?

Are garage windows secured adequately for ground floor windows?

Is outside utility entrance to garage as secure as required for any ground floor entrance?

Are tools and ladders kept in garage?

Are all garage doors lighted on the outside by at least a 40 watt light?

How to Keep Burglars Out – Points to Remember

1. Garages – Should be as secure as any other area of house because:

a. They often contain ladders and tools which could be helpful to a burglar.
b. Attached garaged provide visual cover for a burglar.

2. House Number – Should be clearly displayed front and back.

3. Light – Exterior flood lights (front and back) and over garage are recommended. Interior-timed lighting devices should be utilized when not at home.

4. Basement Windows – Often overlooked by homeowners, basement windows should be secured to prevent forcing. Window locks should not be vulnerable if glass is broken. Screening materials can be used effectively on these window wells or on window framing.

5. Doors – Solid core wood doors with rugged frames that cannot spread apart with a pry bar are recommended.

6. Door Locks – Quality dead bolt locks have a minimum 1-inch throw are recommended. These should be mounted so one cannot open the door after breaking the window. Mounting the lock lower on the door can sometimes eliminate the problem. In other cases, a double cylinder lock will solve the problem.

7. Shrubs – Should be kept low enough so as not to block possible points of entry or to conceal a potential attacker.

8. Windows – Glass is most vulnerable to attack. Fortunately, many burglars are reluctant to break windows because of the noise and because windows are often visible from the street or from neighboring dwellings. Windows hidden from view must be protected!

If you would like professional advice and assistance in a home security inspection, call the Norwich Police Department at 649-1460

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