Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
P.O. Box 376
(802) 649-1419

Norwich Resources

For information on how to have your non-profit organization’s website link added to this list, email the Town Clerk.

Aging in Place Norwich (AIPN)
American Legion Lyman F. Pell Post #8
The Child Care Center in Norwich
The Family Place
Good Beginnings of the Upper Valley
Marion Cross School
Montshire Museum of Science
Norwich Community Nurse – Kathy Watson
Norwich Historical Society
Norwich Lions Club
Norwich Public Library
Norwich Nursery School
Norwich Women’s Club
Senior Solutions
The Upper Valley Trails Alliance
Windsor County Mentors

New to Norwich? Here are some links to get you started:

  • Marion Cross School: This school serves about 335 students in grades Pre-K through 6. You can contact the school administrator, Joy, here. Norwich is part of School Administrative Unit 70, the first interstate school district (created by JKF in 1963); students go to Richmond Middle School and Hanover High School in Hanover, NH for grades 7-12.
  • The Upper Valley Business Alliance website provides a wealth of information about businesses, organizations, and events throughout the Upper Valley.
  • The Norwich Listserv: a lively online community discussion group (not managed or endorsed by the town). Great for buying and selling things and keeping up with town issues. You can opt for a daily digest if you don’t want to get 30 listserv emails a day.
  • The Norwich Listserve Extension: a Facebook group that grew from the email listserv. This gets less traffic than the listserv but allows people to have pictures linked to their posts.

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