Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
P.O. Box 376
(802) 649-1419

Dog License Renewals

“A person who is the owner of a dog or wolf-hybrid more than six months old shall annually on or before April 1 cause it to be registered, numbered, described, and licensed on a form approved by the Secretary for one year from that day in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which the dog or wolf-hybrid is kept.” 20 V.S.A. ยง 3581

In order to license your dog, you must provide:
(1) Proof of rabies vaccination – this must take the form of a Rabies Vaccination Certificate; it cannot be your receipt from the vet or a list of vaccinations. Rabies certificates are usually good for 3 years, and we keep them on file in our office until they expire. You can reach out to your vet to see if your dog is current.
(2) Proof of neutering/spaying – this can take the form of having your dog described as “neutered male” or “spayed female” on any piece of paperwork from your vet.

Prior to end-of-day on April 1st, licensing neutered or spayed animals costs $11; intact animals are $15. Renewals received after 4:30pm on April 1st increase to $13 for neutered/spayed dogs and $19 for intact dogs.

Ways to get a license:

NEW DOGS: Start by filling out THIS FORM, and include it when you bring your rabies certificate and fee.

– Drop a check, rabies certificate if you’ve gotten a new vaccine in the last year and a self-addressed, stamped envelope in the drop box outside Tracy Hall.
– Bring cash or a check to the Clerk’s office M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm.
– Mail a check, along with a self addressed, stamped envelope to
Town Clerk
PO Box 376
Norwich, VT 05055