The Norwich Finance Office is staffed Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9am to 4pm. Outside those times, please email the office with questions.
Finance Director
Barrie Rosalinda: 802-649-1419, ext. 3
Email Barrie
Staff Accountant
Ashley Wohler
Email Ashley
Tax bills for fiscal year 2024-2025 were mailed on July 29, 2024; THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TAX BILL SENT.
Payment Dates are as follows:
First installment is due on or before: August 30, 2024, by 6:00 p.m.
Second installment is due on or before: February 10, 2025, by 6:00 p.m.
Ways to pay your property taxes:
- Cash or check to Town of Norwich:
- Mail to PO Box 376
- Drop in the drop box outside Tracy Hall
- Drop with the Finance Office Monday, Thursday or Friday 9am-4pm
- Online via e-check, credit card or debit card (additional fees may apply)
- Direct debit from your bank account (please fill out this form).
Town Finances Documents – budget, audit, etc.
Town of Norwich Master Financial Policy
Property Tax Bills (click to view more information)
Property tax bills will be issued in July to the property owners of record as of April 1. If you purchase a property after April 1, you should request the tax bill from the seller or contact this office for a copy.
Tax bills for fiscal year 2024-2025 were mailed on July 29, 2024; THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TAX BILL SENT.
Payment Dates are as follows:
First installment is due on or before: August 30, 2024, by 6:00 p.m.
Second installment is due on or before: February 10, 2025, by 6:00 p.m.
When making tax payments it is helpful if a copy of your tax bill is included. At the very least, a notation on your check displaying your parcel ID is required.
To assist in explaining how to read a property tax bill, the Vermont Department of Taxes has created THIS GUIDE with brief explanations. A more in-depth explanation of how statewide education property taxes are calculated can be found in FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
Homestead Declaration Information (click to view more information)
In order to file your Homestead Declaration, you will need:
- your Norwich tax bill
- Vermont form HS-122
- Vermont form HS-144 (if you are income-qualified)
More information and all necessary forms can be found online HERE.