Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
(802) 649-1419


Recent Posts

  • Open Positions – Committees, etc.

    The Norwich Selectboard seeks applicants for open positions on several Town boards and committees. For a list of open positions and more information, click here. Deadline for applications is 12:00…

  • Tracy Hall Elevator Out of Order

    Please note that the elevator in Tracy Hall is currently out of order. A technician has inspected and has ordered the necessary replacement part. Thank you for your patience, and…

  • 2024 Grand List Abstract

    Can be found HERE. Due to the one-year delay to the Reappraisal as previously announced, the 2023 assessment values will be used for the 2024 Abstract unless you have an…

  • Townwide Reappraisal – Extension

    The Board of Listers are appreciative of the patience and understanding that the Norwich property owners have shown over the past year in assisting with the town-wide reappraisal.  We know…

  • Election information 8/13/24

    In addition to the State Primary on 8/13, Norwich will be having a special election to vote on a warrant article and elect officers to three vacant positions. You can…

  • Street Sweeping Tuesday and Wednesday

    Starting at 7 am on Tuesday, May 21and continuing until the mid-day on Wednesday, May 22nd, BDM Street Sweeping Company will be utilizing a street sweeper with one of our…

  • Culvert work on Turnpike Rd. starts Wednesday, 5/1

    Culvert work will start on Turnpike Rd between Huntley Field and just past New Boston Rd near Tilden Rd on Wednesday May 1, 2, 3 and Monday, May 6.  In…

  • Road Weight Limit Postings will be lifted Monday, 4/22/24

    Happy end of mud season!

  • Local election results

    TL;DR: everything passed; Layton won the 3 year selectboard seat. Presidential Primary results are here.