Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
P.O. Box 376
(802) 649-1419

Townwide Reappraisal – Extension

The Board of Listers are appreciative of the patience and understanding that the Norwich property owners have shown over the past year in assisting with the town-wide reappraisal.  We know that a process like this can be a source of anxiety and uncertainty and we, along with other Town staff and the Selectboard, are doing our best to navigate this process with you. 

In late May of this year, it became clear that the reappraisal work wasn’t as far along as it needed to be to properly assess all the properties in Norwich as of April 1, 2024.  Therefore, the Board of Listers made a request to the Selectboard to delay the reappraisal deadline by one year and take an additional year to complete the reappraisal.  Working with our reappraisal firm KRT Appraisal, Inc. a contract amendment was signed on June 26, 2024 to delay the reappraisal date to April 1, 2025 at no additional cost to the Town.  This is an agreeable solution with the State of Vermont, Department of Property Valuation and Review as well. 

As a result of this negotiation, the Board of Listers is working diligently to file the April 1, 2024 Abstract on July 3, 2024.  Assessments for most properties will not change from the prior year, unless a sub-division, consolidation, purchase or open permit resulted in an assessment change.  Any property in these categories will be mailed a “Change of Assessment” letter with the filing of the Abstract on July 3, 2024.  Also, any property in the Current Use program will be mailed a “Change of Use Value” letter on July 3, 2024 due to the State’s determination of the current use program credit to be applied, which varies year-to-year.  When these letters are received, the property owner will have the opportunity to file a grievance if they choose to do so.  The instructions for filing a grievance will accompany the letter.  It should be noted that anyone can grieve their property assessment even if a letter is not received.

Again, we thank you for your past cooperation and ask that you continue to assist us in finishing up the reappraisal work that still needs to be done.

Cheryl A. Lindberg & Ernie Ciccotelli

Norwich Board of Listers

802-649-1419 x6

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