So far this year the Clerk’s office has recorded 55 land postings (up from 38 the year before.) This map shows where the recordings fall within the town as of 11/21/23. If you’re a data nerd like me, you should know that roughly 12.8% of the acreage in Norwich has been recorded as being posted. Posted acreage ranges from 2 acres to 285 acres, with a mean of 66.6 acres and a median of 33.5 acres.
Disclaimer: this map may not be fully accurate and is my best attempt at matching parcel owners with land at a given point in time. Land posting records are available to view in my office, and it’s always a good practice to check the actual recording forms if you have questions about where you can hunt, fish or trap. Additionally, please remember that there are signage requirements for land postings as put forward by the state (which you can view here).