Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
(802) 649-1419


Selectboard Policy Regarding Town Email List

The Town email list, maintained and managed by the Town Manager, is for use by the Town Manager and the Town Manager’s Administrative Assistant. The Selectboard and other elected Town officials; and Chairs of other Town Boards, Commissions and Committees appointed by the Selectboard; may also request use for the purposes of disseminating warnings, agendas and minutes. The above entities may use this email list to disseminate notices and information about items pertinent to their activities and/or Town specific public information. Outgoing email addresses on any messages sent through the Town email list shall not be shown. The Town Manager may allow the use of this list for nongovernmental meetings on issues that may be of general interest to citizens. If such a meeting is sponsored by a political group, no campaigning or fund raising will be allowed. The Town Email should not be used by individuals for personal reasons.

Approved by the Selectboard April 27, 2005
Revised March 22, 2006
Revised May 26, 2010

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