Town of Norwich, Vermont

Town offices:

300 Main St.
(802) 649-1419


Article 36 Task Force

Final A36TF Report 02-10-2022


In March 2019, the Town of Norwich advised, through the passing of Article 36, all Town Officials to “take immediate and sustained efforts to gradually and continually reduce the Town’s direct use of fossil fuels, beginning at a rate of no less than 5% per year starting in the 2019-20 and continuing until they are eliminated entirely.” This task force will initiate work towards an aggressive and comprehensive work plan to achieve the elimination of direct fossil fuels in the Town of Norwich. For more details, see: Article 36 Task Force Charge

Committee Members:
Jack Cushman (Chair)
Aaron Lamperti (Vice Chair)
Ernie Ciccotelli
Rob Gere
Eva Rosenbloom

Previous meetings:

A36TF Agenda 02-24-2022
A36TF 02-10-2022 Agenda and Packet Materials


02-24-2022 Minutes
02-10-2022 Minutes
01-27-2022 Minutes
12-23-2021 Minutes
11-04-2021 Minutes
10-28-2021 Minutes
09-23-2021 Minutes
08-26-2021 Minutes
07-29-2021 mtg packet
07-29-2021 Minutes
07-21-2021 Minutes
06-29-2021 Minutes
06-01-2021 Minutes
04-29-2021 Minutes